9 July 2021

Nola (NA): presentation

At the Meeting Room Vicanziana of Palazzo Giordano Bruno Hotel in Nola, from 5 to 7 May, you can learn about the process of study and construction of a vestment. 

Samples of all Atelier Sirio exclusive fabrics will be available, from hand-woven silk to mixed silk and other natural fabrics. You will also be able to see the different possibilities of making gallons, braids and flounces for tablecloths. 

Working on a predefined and agreed budget you can think of something exclusive and without surprises, but with the Atelier Sirio guarantee.

when5, 6, 7 May
 From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm
whereSala Meeting Vicanziana
 Palazzo Giordano Bruno Hotel
 SS7bis. 321 – 80035 – Nola (NA)
howRecommended appointment
 For reservations call 035 237 238